Restricting member access to 'search for others'

The Search for Others feature in My ChurchSuite is great for enabling people to stay in touch and communicate with one another in a secure and appropriate context, while always respecting each person's privacy settings in terms of the amount of basic contact information that people can see of other members in the search results.

The Search feature can be optionally disabled. However, it's possible to enable the Search and restrict those who can use it, and also restrict which people can show in search results. For example, you may prefer to prevent 'newcomers' from accessing the search and also from being included in search results. Access restriction and Results restriction are managed using tags and are set in the Profile section of the Administrator area. On the My ChurchSuite Options tab, locate the Search for Others settings and click Edit to make changes.

On the Edit pop-up, the Enable Contact Search setting enables or disables the Search for Others feature in My ChurchSuite. Three further settings determine how the Search functions:

  • By default, the Search for Others feature is visible and accessible to anyone with My ChurchSuite access. However, the first setting enables you to Restrict Search access by Tag. For example, this might be just your 'staff team' tag or perhaps a 'leaders' or 'small group leaders' tag. You can select multiple tags. Note also the options to restrict access to Address Book contacts and children if you wish
  • By default, the Search for Others results includes all Address Book contacts. However, the setting enables you to Restrict Search results to contacts in selected tags. For example, if you only want 'members' to be shown in the search results you could restrict the search results to just your 'members' Tag. Note that children and young people in your Children module never (and cannot) surface in search results - the search only functions across the Address Book module
  • A final setting - for multi-site customers only - determines whether people can search across just their sites or search for people across all sites

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