How to print a contact directory

Printing a contact directory from ChurchSuite is simple and quick. Here's how...

1. Decide who to include

Head to the Communication section of the Address Book module. You can either Select all if you want your entire Address Book to be included in the directory, or you can switch from Contacts to Tags if you have a specific tag such as a "Members tag" or "Directory tag" that you'd like to use instead.

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2. Choose what to include

Scroll down to the shaded boxes at the bottom of the Communication page. Within the PDF section click Options. Select as appropriate. When you've made your selections, click Generate PDF.

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Privacy of information

In the same way that each person's privacy settings control which of their contact details are visible to others in the member-facing My ChurchSuite, the PDF also respects contact privacy settings. However, where you have a lawful basis for doing so, you can override privacy settings by unticking the Respect contact privacy settings to include full contact details of all included contacts, even if they have made any of their details not visible.

3. Print your directory

You should now be viewing an elegant-styled PDF preview of your contact directory, ready to download or print!

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