Enabling "Support" access
You are always in control of who has access to your ChurchSuite account data. For transparency and best compliance with the Data Protection law and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the ChurchSuite support team has no access to your account data unless you choose to enable support access.
Key information about this functionality: -
- Support access is disabled on your account by default.
- You may enable (or disable) support access at any time—it's like an on/off switch. See below for further information. Many customers choose to leave support access enabled to remove barriers to users requesting help and support when they need it.
- Support access can only be enabled/disabled by Administrators.
- When enabled, authorised members of the ChurchSuite support team have secure and logged access - perhaps in response to a request for support or if an issue or bug has been detected by our monitoring systems.
- Support access does not affect the security of your account or the data within it, and no data is accessible by other parties—support access is only for the authorised ChurchSuite support team.
- Where support access is disabled, we can only provide limited responses and support article links. Without support access, we may need to redirect User support requests back to an Administrator in the first instance.
- Enabling support access is not a requirement for using the service or for receiving support from us. However, enabling access will help you receive the highest level of customer service more promptly.
Using the ChurchSuite app?
The option to enable or disable Support access can only be changed within a browser environment - it's not currently possible to change support access from within an app environment.
The Support access status is shown in the Support menu - in this example, support access is currently Enabled.
Choosing Support access opens a pop-up in which support access can be enabled or disabled, and an optional reason be added. Click Save to apply the change.
A support access Changes log is maintained, detailing the date, time, user and reason for each support access status change. An email notification is sent to the designated Data Protection contact and a log of that email is recorded in the Communication log located at the bottom of the Profile page in the Administrator section.