CCLI tracking and reporting
Regular song usage reporting enables CCLI to distribute royalties to song artists. To help, the Planning module maintains a comprehensive song usage history from all your plans, making it easy to produce reports on the songs used within a range of dates.
CCLI tracking applies to any songs maintained in the Songs section of the Planning module that have a CCLI Song Number.
It is also possible to enable CCLI tracking for other types of library items, for example, if you maintain any reportable songs in the Library section of the module. When adding or editing a library item Type, note the option to enable CCLI Tracking.
With CCLI tracking enabled for a library item Type, a CCLI field is provided for library items of that type - this can be seen when adding or editing library items. Enter the relevant CCLI song number when adding or editing a song in the Library.
CCLI Reporting
There are two CCLI reports in the Reports section of the Planning module - you can use the Search to filter the available reports. One report shows usage of CCLI-tracked Library Items, and the other shows usage of CCLI-tracked Songs - both function in the same manner.
The CCLI Report lists all CCLI-tracked items that have a CCLI Song Number, showing Usage within the selected range of dates. Options to further filter by Service and Plan Status are also available. Note the Export CSV action to download the report results.