Mail merge to a letter

You can use ChurchSuite to mail merge to Microsoft Word letters - ideal for adding personalised addresses and salutations directly onto a standard letter. Mail merge is also useful when printing labels - see the separate article on Printing labels through ChurchSuite.

To mail merge within Microsoft Word (and similar word processing applications), you will need to produce a merge file with the contact data, which will be used for personalisation. ChurchSuite provides this for you, however, in terms of the actual Mail Merge process using Microsoft Office we recommend taking a look at the following Microsoft support page.

Here is how you can create the merge file you need...

Heading into the Communication section of the relevant module. For instance, to produce a merge file of adult contacts you'll need to be in the Address Book, for parents/carers and/or children you will need to be in the Children module, and for givers, you'll need to work within the Giving module.

In Section 1 choose which people you wish to communicate with. You can click Select all to include all people, or you can make a manual selection of particular individuals, or you can select a grouping of people in a Tag.

Next, in Section 2 locate the shaded box that says CSV and select Options.

In addition to the contact detail fields, you can also include Tags, Key Dates, Custom Fields, Communication options, Privacy settings and children's first names in the output. When you are ready select Export to CSV. Save the CSV file to your preferred location on your device.

The CSV file can easily be further viewed in spreadsheet applications like Apple Numbers or Microsoft Excel. You now have a merge file suitable for use with your preferred mail merge application.

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