Deleted data and data retention

What does ChurchSuite delete?

Each day ChurchSuite makes an automated backup of all your account data. Encrypted backups are maintained for 30 days, after which time the oldest backup is overwritten.

As part of each day's backup routine, the following automated housekeeping tasks are also performed on your data...

  • All Changes logs over three years old are removed
  • Children visitors who have not checked in and who now exceed your visitor retention settings are removed from the Visitors section
  • Email errors more than 6 months old are removed
  • All Logins logs more than three years old are removed
  • All deletion logs more than three years old are removed - the Deleted reports referred to in this article will only show deletions in the last three years
  • All communication logs more than three years old are removed
  • Files and images uploaded to our third-party FileStack services, such as files added for email attachments, or images uploaded to HTML-enabled Description fields, are retained for three years and then deleted

Beyond these automated housekeeping tasks that remove data from your account, your Users may also delete data. Each module's Reports section includes a Deleted section to help you identify what has been deleted, when and by whom.

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