Adding or removing modules

You can add or remove modules on your account at any time - there are no contracts or tie-ins with ChurchSuite. To add or remove a module, navigate to the Billing section from your User menu and click Change modules.

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A pop-up opens showing your current module selection and current package pricing (which is based on the number of modules and the number of contacts in the Active section of the Address Book module). The Address Book is a required module and cannot be removed. Similarly, any modules that are currently "Free" on your account are greyed out and cannot be unselected. All other modules can be added or removed by clicking the appropriate module pill - selected modules are shown in blue. The "Your package" pricing updates as you make changes.

The maximum price you will pay is for 6 modules - what we call "full suite" pricing - which means there are no further charges for other modules after 6 are selected. Package pricing is shown in GBP, EUR, USD or AUD depending on your region (Prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable). Once you are happy, tick the checkbox to acknowledge the terms of service and click Update subscription to apply the changes to your account.

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Module changes apply to your account immediately but no refund applies when removing modules part-way through a billing month. Whether adding or removing modules, pricing changes apply from your next invoice. Therefore, if you wish to trial modules, you may prefer to add the module on the day after your billing date, which will give you up to one month of free usage before a charge is raised on your next monthly invoice. If you remove the unwanted module before your next billing date, you won't be charged.

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Click here for further information about the ChurchSuite Terms of Service. Click here for further information about our pricing.

Removing module data

It is the Data Controller's responsibility to ensure all module data has been exported (if a copy is required for any reason) and deleted from a module before removing the module. Removing a module will hide it on your account, and any data remaining in the module will persist but will no longer be accessible to any User until the module is re-activated. Therefore, to prevent data from becoming hidden and no longer kept up to date and later resurfacing unexpectedly if the module is reactivated, ensure that the module data is fully cleared down before removing it from your account.

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