Producing giving statements for your givers
You can produce branded Statements of Donations that can be printed or emailed to your givers.
Here's an example:
You can email an individual giver their statement by selecting Send statement from the Communicate options on a giver's profile.
Alternatively, you can print an individual's statement, to post to them, by selecting Print statement.
You can also produce statements as a batch for multiple givers - printed or emailed - from the Statement of Donations report in the Giving module's Reports section.
The Statement of Donations report can be optionally filtered by giver Tags, Funds or just those statements where the Total amount of donations is within a certain range. There are also Options to Hide logo, Include donation notes (not Giver Notes), only those statements that have Gift Aid (the UK only) or only those Givers without email addresses. You can also select to Show fund totals only, which excludes the line-level donation details from the statements and just shows a total for each fund the giver has given to. Click Generate to apply the selected filters and options and preview the matching results.
To email statements, click Send statements. Optionally select whom the statements are sent From and the email Subject. When you are ready, tick the confirmation checkbox and click Email Statements.
A success message confirms that the statements have been submitted to ChurchSuite's server for processing and emailing - statement emailing happens as a background task, meaning you can continue working without waiting for large numbers of statements to be rendered, submitted and processed.
Statements for givers without an email address will not be sent. Instead, select the Givers without email only option and click Generate to filter a report of matching statements. It's then a simple task of printing those Statements in hard-copy form - hover over More and select Print report - ready for distribution manually or posting.
Sent statements are shown in the Communication log on each giver's profile page (not on their Address Book contact profile) and in the Communication report in the Giving module's Reports section. Couple giver statements are addressed to both partners and sent to the primary giver's email address.
Customising giver statements
Head into the Giving module's settings (via the cogwheel in the top right corner of the module). On the Module Options tab...
...scroll down to the Statement of Donations section where you can add (and format) a custom message that will appear on each Statement that is emailed or printed - click Edit to make changes.
The custom message is positioned between the statement summary and the donation transaction listing on the final statement. It is not possible to change the message position or the order of the sections on the Statement.