Communication merge fields

When sending communications through ChurchSuite - either email or SMS - there are several merge fields available so that you can personalise each recipient's communications. Not all merge fields are available for all communication methods and some merge fields can only be used within certain contexts - merge fields relate to the recipient, which may be different to the subject person of the message e.g. a child email sent to a parent/carer who may have multiple children:

Merge Field Example Email SMS
::cellular:: (855) 808-1833 Yes Yes
::contact_details:: Address: 144 High Street, Nottingham, Notts, NG9 2FE
Telephone: 0115 824 2300
Mobile: 07987 654 321
Yes Yes
::contact_name:: George Baker Yes Yes
::couple_first_name:: George & Sally (if linked to a Spouse/Partner), or George (if not linked to a Spouse/Partner) Yes Yes
::custom1:: Your 1st custom field Yes** Yes**
::custom2:: Your 2nd custom field Yes** Yes**
::custom3:: Your 3rd custom field Yes** Yes**
::custom4:: Your 4th custom field Yes** Yes**
::custom5:: Your 5th custom field (and so on...) Yes** Yes**
::date_of_birth:: 1 Jan 1980 Yes Yes
::email:: Yes Yes
::first_name:: George Yes Yes
::full_address:: 144 H**h St**et, N*tti*g**m, N*tts, N*9 2*E
Yes Yes
::last_name:: Baker Yes Yes
::mobile:: 07987 654 321 Yes Yes
::my_link:: URL to login to My ChurchSuite Yes No
URL to register for My ChurchSuite Yes No
::roles:: Worship Leader Yes* Yes*
::telephone:: 0115 824 2300 Yes Yes
::title:: Mr Yes Yes


Care should be taken when saving an email containing merge fields as a Preset email. Some merge fields only work in certain contexts.

*The::roles:: merge field only works in the context of sending a communication to rota members from the rota itself. Outside of a rota, the merge field has no context.

**Address Book custom fields derive their merge field numbers from an internal field ID. When viewing custom fields in the Module Options, notice the merge field surfaced with the custom field name.

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