Tracking household metrics

It's often helpful to monitor metrics around households rather than individual contacts in the Address Book. Large families with lots of children can easily distort statistics. With this in mind, the Households report is designed to list all the households in your ChurchSuite database, distinguishing the number of Contacts and Children residing at each address.

Navigate to the Address Book module's Reports section and locate the Households report from within in the Contacts section of reports.

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The report tracks across the household Contacts in your entire active Address Book and the linked Children of those contacts but the report can be further filtered to just those in certain Address Book Tags - click Generate to apply filter changes. The report is ordered by household Address by default but by clicking on a column heading you can change the order, perhaps by Last name(s) or (as in the example below) by Total.

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The report's statistics give you an overview of the number of unique households represented in your database and the total number of contacts and children in those households.

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Note that only households with an address are included - contacts without an address, and children linked to parents/carers in the Address Book without an address, are excluded from the report's results. In the example below, the child has no address matching their linked parents/carers:

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...meaning they are not included in the Household report results - the related Household simply lists the two adults:

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You may find it helpful to first order the report by household address and scan through it to identify possible address issues. In the following example, there are two "Baker" households with near-similar addresses, which might indicate mistakes in a contact's address details that you will want to fix before relying on the report's results.

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