Event overseer functionality in My ChurchSuite

If you are a designated event Overseer, you'll have additional functionality available in the My Events section of My ChurchSuite concerning the events you oversee. You can access certain event-related information and event features without needing User access to the Calendar module. For an event to be visible to an overseer in My ChurchSuite, the Show in My ChurchSuite visibility option must be enabled in the event settings. For further information about assigning overseers in ChurchSuite, see our related support article on Adding Events.

If you're an Overseer with My ChurchSuite access, you can view the list of people who have signed up for the event you oversee from the event page in the My Events section by clicking on the Sign-ups tab. The list shows the name, contact details, notes, ticket and payment status of each sign-up.

Clicking on a sign-up opens a pop-up showing full details and sign-up question responses.

On the browser version of My ChurchSuite, you're able to Download a CSV file of sign-ups. However, please note this is NOT possible on the mobile app version.

Click to see a larger version

Note: it is not possible or intended for Overseers to communicate with invitees or sign-ups from within My ChurchSuite - that functionality can only be done by a Calendar module User, sending from an authorised User email account, so that sent communications through your organisation's email domain identity, are appropriately logged in ChurchSuite, and replies are directed back to a managed account in your email domain.

And finally, Overseers can access Event Check-In to record attendance at their events. See the related support article for further information about this feature.

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