How to move a contact to the Children module

You can easily move a contact from the Address Book to the Children module - perhaps if you've inadvertently made a mistake when importing data or creating a child's profile in the Address Book. Here's how...

Working within the Address Book and viewing the contact's profile page, select Move to Children from the drop-down More actions.

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On the Move to Children confirmation pop-up, click Proceed to continue moving the contact to the Children module or click x to abort.

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The Move to Children pop-up opens with all the contact's data pre-populated into the equivalent child fields. Review the information in the pop-up, perhaps adding known missing information, parent/carer details, and any 'required' custom field responses. Click Save to complete the process.

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The contact is moved. All the details, My ChurchSuite & privacy settings, communication options, tags and key dates are retained. Event sign-up/invite history, small group membership and rota participation are unaffected. A Note is added against the child's profile summarising the move, including contact details that weren't moved, i.e. where the data relates to the Address Book only.

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Having moved the contact to the Children module, you can now continue, perhaps adding the child's parents/carers and assigning the child to gatherings and groups as appropriate.

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