My ChurchSuite - My Podcasts

In this article, we talk about the My Podcasts section of My ChurchSuite. Here you can catch up on a missed sermon message in the My Podcast section. It's great on a smartphone, tablet or in a web browser – sermons on the go, all from within My ChurchSuite! Selecting My Podcasts from the Menu opens the podcast area:

Here you can use the search box to search for a specific talk or sermon, or use the pagination options to navigate through the list of episodes:

To listen to an episode, simply click the episode in the list, then click the play button on the player:

Alternatively, clicking the Listen button below the player will navigate away from My ChurchSuite and to the page hosting your church's podcasts.

You church may also include links to a video of the podcast, which can be viewed within My ChurchSuite.

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