Deleting events

In this article

What happens when an event is deleted?
Deleting an event
Deleting multiple events
Deleting an event sequence
Deleted Events report

You can easily Cancel an event. See the related support article on Managing event status and visibility. However, if you no longer wish to retain the event - including its tickets, questions, invites, signups and refunds - this article explains how to permanently delete it.

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What happens when an event is deleted?

Deleting an event is a destructive action, removing it from your Calendar module entirely. The event will cease to show on the Calendar, in My ChurchSuite, Embed and Connect. The event is also deleted from iCal feeds that the event was previously part of (changes in iCal feeds may take up to 24 hours, so event deletion won't be instant). All event sign-ups, tickets, questions and question responses are also deleted.

For sequence events where Sign-up to the sequence is enabled, deleting one date in the sequence will retain the tickets, questions, responses and signups against the sequence unaffected - visible when viewing one of the other sequence event data. This will continue until the final date in the sequence is deleted, at which point all event information will be deleted.

When deleting an event or event sequence that has linked bookings, you can optionally delete the linked booking too.

Deleting an event

Choose Delete from the More actions drop-down. This method will delete the event being viewed. If the event is part of a sequence, the remaining sequence dates persist unaffected.

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The Delete confirmation pop-up is shown. If the event has a linked booking, the option to delete that booking is also provided.

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Deleting multiple events

Working within the Events section of the module, you can delete multiple selected events using the batch Delete action, perhaps using the Search or Advanced Search to filter the list to locate the events you wish to delete.

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The Delete confirmation pop-up is shown. The option to delete any linked booking is also provided.

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Deleting an event sequence

You can delete multiple, or even all dates, in an event sequence from the Sequence tab of any event date in the sequence. Tick the events to be deleted and select Delete from the batch Actions drop-down menu. Future sequence dates are shown by default but you can switch to view Past sequence dates if you wish to delete those also.

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The Delete confirmation pop-up is shown. The option to delete any linked booking is also provided. If Sign up to the sequence is enabled, sign-ups, tickets, event questions and responses will be moved to the first remaining event in the sequence and retained - this may be a past event date. Once the final date in a sequence is deleted, all sign-ups, tickets, event questions and responses are finally deleted.

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Deleted Events report

A Deleted Events report in the Calendar module Reports section shows events deleted within a range of dates.

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