All Rotas page in My ChurchSuite

In the My Rotas section of My ChurchSuite - in addition to rota members being able to view their upcoming serving commitments and the rotas they serve on - it's also possible for them to access an All Rotas page and view a read-only "all rotas" overview. Like the Overview report that your Rotas module Users access in ChurchSuite, the 'All Rotas' page enables those serving to see all the rotas and published service plans for a given date and service - ideal for keeping everyone in the loop of what's happening and who's serving where on any given day.

Enabling the All Rotas page

Head into the Rotas module settings accessed via the cogwheels icon in the top-right corner of the module. From the My ChurchSuite Options tab, select Edit for Settings.

Click to see a larger version

Tick to Enable All Rotas access and Save the changes.

Click to see a larger version

Note that it is not possible to restrict the visibility of the All Rotas page - if enabled, all rota members with access to My Rotas in My ChurchSuite will be able to view the All Rotas page (read-only). Additionally, it's not possible to exclude a rota from being shown on the All Rotas page - the page is designed to show all rotas.

Using the page

Once enabled, rota members will see the All Rotas page shown at the end of the list of Rotas within the My Rotas section of My ChurchSuite.

Selecting All Rotas opens the page to view. The page can be further filtered by Service for a selected Date and, for those using the Planning module, includes published plan page links.

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