Rota unavailability
In this article
Overview of intended functionality
Adding unavailability in My ChurchSuite (Overseers)
Adding unavailability in My ChurchSuite (Rota members)
Adding unavailability in ChurchSuite (Rotas module users)
Adding unavailability in ChurchSuite when adding leave
Downloading a CSV of unavailability
Overview of the intended functionality
Rota unavailability is an optional feature enabled in the Rotas module settings, accessible via the cogwheels icon in the top-right corner of the module.
Scroll down the Module Options tab to the Unavailability options and click Edit to make changes.
Once enabled, the Unavailability section is added to the Rotas module in ChurchSuite and the My Rotas section of My ChurchSuite. Module Users, ministry overseers and rota members can then begin adding and managing unavailability. Unavailability can be added for individual dates, part-days or a range of dates.
Unavailability causes a clash when module users or ministry overseers attempt to add or swap a rota member to a serving date/time when the person is unavailable for that date/time. Unavailability clashes are shown in a Clashes report in the Rotas module's reports section and are displayed on the Clashes tab for each rota in ChurchSuite and My ChurchSuite. Unavailability is also shown visibly against the serving rota member's Next Serving list in the My Rotas section of My ChurchSuite and displayed on a rota member's profile page Engagement tab in the Address Book or Children module.
Within My ChurchSuite, rota members are prevented from processing swaps with unavailable rota members, although ministry overseers are always able to override rota clashes, including unavailability clashes, to process swaps.
Unavailability history is retained in ChurchSuite and can be viewed in the Rotas module by switching views between Past and Future in the Unavailability section. Unavailability is deemed Past when the final date in an unavailability date range has passed. Duplicated or overlapping unavailability is permitted and handled by the system.
Added unavailability applies to all rotas - it's not possible to add selective unavailability for one ministry's rotas while remaining available for other ministry rotas. However, see our related support article for further information about Rota accept/decline. A person marked unavailable will cause an unavailability clash across all rotas where assigned servings clash with their unavailability.
Where rota members add unavailability via My ChurchSuite that causes a clash for a serving on a rota, an email notification is sent to the ministry's overseers. However, when rota members add unavailability that doesn't give rise to a clash, no notification is sent, although overseers will get a clash warning if they later try to add an unavailable person to a clashing rota date.
When adding rotas, any rota members with existing unavailability are still assigned to rota dates according to their ministry team rotation; however, a visual clash warning is shown on the rota. Without this step, overseers may not otherwise be aware of rota gaps caused by previously added unavailability. Clashes (whether date clashes or unavailability clashes) are shown in red styling, with unavailability further distinguished by strikethrough styling of the rota member name.
In the example below, Thomas has a date clash because they are on another rota at the same time. Thomas will receive a rota reminder. Emily is unavailable and will not receive a rota reminder; however, the other rota members will receive a reminder with Emily's name included and shown in red strikethrough styling to indicate that they are unavailable.
Adding unavailability in My ChurchSuite (Overseers)
Designated ministry overseers can add and manage unavailability on behalf of their rota members in My ChurchSuite, as well as manage their personal unavailability.
To add unavailability - working from the rota "View" Unavailability tab - click Add unavailability.
On the Add unavailability pop-up, select the rota Member name from the drop-down list. Enter the range of unavailable Dates and an optional Description (reason). Any clashes arising for any rota are shown. Click Save to complete the process. Note that clash notifications are only sent to overseers of other rotas when an overseer adds personal unavailability for themselves or linked spouse/partner/children that gives rise to an unavailability clash.
You can further Edit or Delete added unavailability within the list. You cannot edit unavailability that is linked to a User's leave request.
Unavailability clashes are clearly distinguished on the rota in red strikethrough styling and date clashes caused by a person serving on more than one rota at the same time are displayed in red styling without a strikethrough. Hovering your cursor over a rota member name surfaces the clash reason (browser only).
There are two other useful ways to add unavailability when overseers are working on their rotas. The first is from the date Actions - select Add unavailability.
...And the other is from the rota member Actions - select Add unavailability.
Adding unavailability in My ChurchSuite (Rota members)
Rota members can access their personal Unavailability list in the My Rotas section of My ChurchSuite, listing future unavailability. Rota members may also be able to view and manage the unavailability of their linked spouse/partner and children. To add unavailability, click Add unavailability.
On the Add unavailability pop-up, rota members can add unavailability for a range of Dates and an optional Description (reason) for themselves and/or their linked spouse/partner and children. Any clashes arising from family unavailability are shown within the pop-up, alerting the rota member if they or other family members need to organise a swap. Designated ministry overseers for any rotas affected by an unavailability clash on their rota will receive an unavailability clash notification.
Adding unavailability in ChurchSuite (Rotas module users)
Rota module users can add and manage unavailability on behalf of rota members, perhaps for those who do not have My ChurchSuite access. From the Unavailability section within the Rotas module, click Add unavailability.
On the Add unavailability pop-up, use the Person search - the list of matching results filters as you type the name, with children distinguished in the results with a child icon. Use the date pickers to enter the unavailability Start and End date range. Note the option to untick All Day - ideal for blocking out part of a day as unavailable. Optionally enter an unavailability Description (reason). Any rota Clashes caused by that unavailability are highlighted within the pop-up. Click Save to add the unavailability (with any clashes). Note that overseer clash notifications are not sent for unavailability clashes created by module Users.
Added unavailability is added to the list in the Unavailability section. The Clashes column highlights any rotas affected by each unavailability entry - you can easily navigate to each clashing rota by clicking on the rota name; you can then decide how best to resolve the clash, perhaps swapping or removing a clashing rota member from the rota. You can return to the Unavailability section at any time to Edit, Duplicate or Delete an unavailability entry in the list.
Unavailability can also be added from the Unavailability tab on a specific rota.
Unavailability added when a User adds a leave request in the Calendar module is distinguished by a yellow triangle in the list. It's not possible to edit leave unavailability, although a permitted Calendar module user can edit the leave request, which will update the linked unavailability accordingly. Leave unavailability can be deleted.
When adding people to rotas, unavailable rota members are still listed on the Add to date and Add to role pop-ups but a clash alert is shown if they are selected.
Adding unavailability in ChurchSuite when adding Leave
Users adding leave requests in the Calendar module have the option of also adding matching rota unavailability. The Unavailable option is only shown for Users whose user account is linked to their underlying Address Book contact profile. Clashes arising from the leave request are shown. Unavailability linked to a leave request is updated accordingly if the leave request is subsequently changed or cancelled.
Line managers can also add leave requests with linked unavailability for other Users. Linked unavailability can be added for any leave 'type', not just 'holiday', including any custom leave types created in the Calendar module's settings.
The Unavailable check box will not be visible if: -
- The user profile is not linked to a contact profile in the Address Book.
- The Unavailability feature has not been enabled (or is disabled) in the Rotas module settings.
- The user does not have an active Leave Setup profile in the Calendar module.
- You do not have the Rotas module on your ChurchSuite account.
Downloading a CSV of unavailability
It's possible for Rota module users to download a CSV of unavailability which includes the person's name, unavailability dates and description. This can be done in two ways - the first is from the Unavailability section within the Rotas module. You can optionally use the Search to search for a specific name or unavailability description, and the Advanced Search filter to filter the dates and ministries you want to download unavailability for, or leave blank for all.
Use the checkboxes to select the unavailability records you wish to download or use the top checkbox to select all records on the page, click the surfaced Actions button, then Download CSV.
Secondly, to download an unavailability CSV for a specific rota, head to the rota in question and click the Unavailability tab.
From here, use the checkboxes to select the unavailability records you wish to download or use the top checkbox to select all records on the page, click the surfaced Actions button, then Download CSV.