Running online small groups

You can add online groups in the Small Groups module, distinguishing them from groups that meet at a physical location and providing group members with a simple Join meeting button in My ChurchSuite to access the group's designated online meeting place. Here's how it works...

In this article

Setting an online group location in ChurchSuite
Setting an online group location in My ChurchSuite
Joining a group meeting online

Online platform suggestions

The functionality outlined in this article is compatible with any online meeting platform that provides you with a unique meeting room URL. Some platforms optionally require meeting participants to enter a PIN or password to join a meeting - this will need to be communicated to the group's members before the meeting and should not be included in the group's location name or description, which may be visible to others where the group is listed.

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Setting an online group location in ChurchSuite

Working within the Groups section of the Small Groups module, select Add group (new groups) or Edit an existing group's settings.

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On the Add group or Edit group pop-up, switch Location from Physical (the default) to Online. Optionally enter a known online group meeting URL or leave it blank for your small group leaders to manage themselves from within the My Groups section of My ChurchSuite. For existing physical groups being changed to online, you may wish to optionally update some of the group meeting details, such as the group Name or Location name to reflect the group's online meeting status. Remember to Save the group changes.

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Online groups are easily distinguished in ChurchSuite when viewing the location field shown on the group profile. Where a meeting URL is set, the location is clickable and launches the meeting's URL in a new browser tab.

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You can easily filter the Groups section of the Small Groups module by online or physical groups using the Advanced Search option.

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The online location Name (but not the meeting URL) of small groups is shown in Embed and Connect group lists...

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...and this styling also carries through to the Group Page.

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Setting an online group location in My ChurchSuite

Group members assigned with a group Role that has Edit Group permission enabled (typically the group's leaders) can manage the group's online details from within the member-facing My ChurchSuite in the My Groups section. The role permission is set in the Roles section of the Small Groups module and the role is assigned to one or more small group members on a group-by-group basis.

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When viewing their group in My ChurchSuite, a member with this role and permission can click Edit group...

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...and add/update the group meeting Location and meeting URL. Remember to Save to apply the changes.

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Online groups are easily distinguished in My ChurchSuite when viewing the My Groups section...

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Joining a group meeting online

Active group members can click Join meeting to launch/access the meeting URL in their device browser.

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Group members with a pending status must first be Set as active before they will see the Join meeting option.

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