Using QR codes for check-in and check-out

The iOS and Android Check-In apps support the scanning of QR codes in addition to the conventional name-based 'Child Search' method of selecting children to be checked in. Checked-in children can also be checked out at the end of the session from the Admin area by scanning the parent pickup QR code.

Checking in

During an active Check-In session, primary parents/carers with My ChurchSuite access see a Check-In QR code in the My Children section. This QR code disappears when the session is closed. By accessing My ChurchSuite from their smartphones, parents/carers can present their QR code at your Check-In/Registration point and check their children in.

In Kiosk mode running on an iOS or Android Check-In device, parents/carers (unstaffed) and Check-In team members (staffed) can use the Check-In app's in-built QR Scanner, accessible in the bottom-left corner of the Search page, to scan a parent/carer's QR code using the device camera. Scanning the parent/carer's QR code will filter a list of all their linked children. Then, they simply tick each child to be checked in, with badges produced and attendance recorded in the usual way.

Checking out

Group leaders can quickly check checked-in children out at the end of a session from the Check-In Admin area on iOS and Android devices running the Check-In app by scanning the parent pickup QR code shown on parent badges and also shown in My ChurchSuite (in the My Children section, which they can access from their ChurchSuite app running on their smartphone).

On the Group page, the QR Scanner button in the bottom-left corner of the device screen uses the device camera to scan the parent/carer pickup QR code.

Scanning will filter the list of checked-in children using the Security Code in the Search bar to show only the children linked to that QR code. From here, the children can be checked out by toggling the slider - the child changes from green to red. Clear the Code from the Search bar to return to an unfiltered Group list.

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