Adding the Common Worship Lectionary to your calendar
We've found a useful website resource that makes the Common Worship Lectionary freely available as a CSV format file and works seamlessly with the Calendar module's event import functionality - it's available here.
From the Home page click on the Download area.
Select the liturgical year and expand/select the Lectionaries, Collects and Other options as required. Then click CSV download and follow the on-screen instructions to save the file to your desktop.
You're now ready to import the file!
Import the Common Worship Lectionary into your calendar
From the Events section of the Calendar module, click Import events.
Click Choose file and navigate to and select the CSV file you prepared earlier. Then click the Upload CSV File.
A preview of the first 5 records in the CSV file is shown, enabling you to check that the CSV Header fields are correctly mapped to the right field in ChurchSuite - the Import As column shows which field in ChurchSuite the data from the CSV file will be assigned to. Any CSV Header fields not matched to a ChurchSuite field are distinguished by a yellow warning triangle and will not be imported...
For a Lectionary import only the Subject, Start Date and Description fields are relevant - we'll ignore the other two headers. Use the drop-down Import As selector to choose the correct ChurchSuite field that the CSV Header item should be mapped to. As shown below, "Subject" is not a recognised CSV Header and should be imported as the event "Name" in ChurchSuite.
Once you are satisfied that all CSV Header fields will be Imported As the correct field in ChurchSuite - as shown below - click Import All Records to complete the import. Alternatively, click Cancel if you discover an issue that needs to be addressed in your CSV file.
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