Changing your account, billing and data protection contact

The Account contact is the designated key person that you authorise to request changes to your account and the person with whom we'll liaise in the first instance about any account-related matters. This may be the person who originally trialled and opened your ChurchSuite account. The account contact must be a named individual and not a generic role - we will only action account-related requests if we can match the name and email of the person making the request and the designated account contact details we hold for you.

The Billing contact is the person designated at the time your account was first set up with ChurchSuite, but it can be changed. The billing contact will receive ChurchSuite invoices each month and will also receive billing change alert notifications if your account is approaching the upper end of your current pricing tier.

The Data Protection contact is the designated contact person for data protection-related matters; typically your church's data protection officer. The data protection contact will receive system notifications relating to certain data protection workflows, such as when a data subject submits a "Delete account" request or selects to unsubscribe from communications.

You can update the Account, Billing or Data Protection contacts at any time. Head into the Administrator area - you'll need administrator permission to access this menu - and navigate into the Profile section.

Scroll down to the Contacts and Billing sections and click Edit to make changes.

Update the Name (required), Email address (required) and contact telephone numbers (optional) accordingly. Click to Save the changes.

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