Child attendance reporting
Whether you're using the Child Check-in system or a manual child check-in process, ChurchSuite makes child attendance recording straightforward. As your organisation's child attendance data grows, some helpful child attendance reports will be useful to plot and track your attendance metrics. In this article, we explore the various Attendance reports in the Children module's Reports section and also show you how you can view individual child and group attendance.
In this article
Attendance Date report
Attendance Percentages report
Attendance Sessions report
Attendance Summary report
Graph Generator report
Monthly Breakdown report
No Attendance report
Viewing a child's attendance history
Viewing a group's attendance history
Attendance Date
The Attendance Date report displays a list of all team, children and visitors in attendance on a given Date on a group-by-group basis. The report displays all sessions for all gatherings on the given date. This report is ideal for organisations that would like to produce a hard copy record of group attendance for a date for safeguarding purposes.
Attendance Percentages
The Attendance Percentages report shows each child's attendance as a percentage for each group over a range of Dates. Filter the results by Groups, Tags and/or an Attendance % range. Order the results by child name or attendance %. If a child is in multiple groups (i.e. more than one Gathering is filtered in the report), they will be included in the report for each of their groups, with their % attendance for each group.
Attendance Sessions
If you run multiple check-in sessions for the same Gathering (perhaps because you repeat your children's groups in each of your various Sunday services) then the Attendance Sessions report will be really useful. This report works just like the attendance Graph Generator but with the additional option of being able to compare and contrast the check-in Sessions for your groups. So you can easily compare your Creche check-in attendance at the AM1 service vs. the AM2 service!
Plotting this report over time will allow you to see attendance trends, perhaps identifying which groups within which services are growing, and at what rate. It's an important indicator that will inform team recruitment for your children's ministry.
Attendance Summary
The Attendance Summary report provides a simple attendance register for all sessions within a fixed Number of weeks up to a defined date. You can filter the report to show specific Groups or all groups, and children in particular Tags. Children with zero attendance and visitors during the date range can be excluded from the report. The results can be emailed, downloaded or printed. Hovering over any of the green attendance ticks will surface the group name and session the child attended. Note that the maximum number of weeks that can be reported is 12 weeks Ending on a defined date.
Graph Generator
The Graph Generator is a super useful tool for tracking the growth of your children and youth groups over time. The graph plots each meeting's attendance total and then links them together allowing you to see at a glance the attendance trends within your groups. You can even filter multiple groups' data (perhaps your youth groups) on the same graph allowing you to compare growth and track patterns. The graph is also tailorable for whatever period you want allowing you to take a wide-angle perspective over a longer period (e.g. a year), or a closer perspective, perhaps across a term or a teaching series.
Monthly Breakdown
The Monthly Breakdown report is a comprehensive report capable of providing headline metrics from your children's ministry as a whole, or for a selection of Groups to plot. In its simplest form, this report displays the total number of attendees each month for a group in bar chart form and then plots the average weekly attendance by overlaying a line graph. When used to plot multiple groups, the graph displays each respective group's monthly totals in colour-coded blocks and also a combined total for the month.
The report can be filtered by calendar Year, allowing you to easily see attendance trends of your groups or entire children's ministry. Scrolling down the report page there is a breakdown showing the number of children contacts and visitors each month and the weekly average.
No Attendance
Use the No Attendance report to easily view a list of children who have not recently attended one or all of your Groups within a specified range of dates. N/A means that there is no "last attended" date for the child for the selected group. The report can be ordered by Groups or child Names and filtered for all groups, for a selection of groups, or just those children within certain Tags.
From the report, you can then directly communicate with children and/or their parents/carers, or download or print the report if you wish. You can also 'tag' all the children in the report results, perhaps to follow up with them further outside of the report - click Add to tag under the 'Add' button.
Viewing a child's attendance history
When viewing a child's profile within the Children module, there's a Recent Attendance summary under their Groups tab.
Clicking to View all attendance will show you a record of the child's full attendance, including dates, sessions, and times when they were checked in and out, if appropriate.
Viewing a group's attendance history
Whether you add attendance manually from printed attendance registers, or record attendance automatically through the Child Check-in system, all your groups' historic attendance data is retained within the system. Child attendance is maintained against each group even if a child leaves the church and is deleted from your Children module! As long as the group is not deleted (a destructive action) - you can archive groups) - historic group attendance data, including a list of names, is retained in the system indefinitely. Let's explore some of the places where group attendance is shown:
From the Groups section of the module, choose a Gathering to open the group list for that gathering...
Select the group you wish to attendance. Selecting the Attendance tab surfaces a summary of historic attendance for the group in graph form.
Scroll down the page to view recent group member inline attendance.
Group attendance is maintained in the Attendance section of the Children module, with the most recently added attendance first:
Click on an attendance entry for a group in the list shows a detailed list of all the Children, Visitors and Team attendance for that group and date.
And for attendance added using the Child Check-In system, check-in Session attendance includes a group attendance summary.