What is Connect?

Connect is the name we've given to the applications we've designed for use at in-person events and gatherings. These typically run on a device at your Information Point or Check-In/Registration Point. Connect requires a user login and is accessible to Administrators and Users with Connect permission. It can be accessed through any browser and using the ChurchSuite Connect app (for Android devices only).

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Connect includes: -

  • Check-In: This is used to register your regular and visiting children and team and check them in and out of groups.
  • My Details: This is a customisable newcomer connect form designed to collect contact details and areas of interest from individuals and families.

You can switch applications within Connect using the Select application menu in the bottom left corner of Connect (browser) or using the app Menu navigation.

Permitted users can access Connect in the following ways: -

  • Using the URL login.churchsuite.com, choosing the Connect system, and entering a username and password
  • Using the Android Connect app, available from the Play Store for compatible devices

Connect access is determined by the User's permissions, requiring Administrator or Connect-specific module access to access each of the respective Connect applications. In this way, a Connect user account can have access to Connect only, with no broader access to the underlying modules - this is ideal for a church Information Point where team members only need permission for selected Connect applications or, like the example below, where the Kids' Team only need access for the Check-In system, without any further module access.

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We've produced separate support articles for each of the Connect applications - see the related articles below.

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