Service notes

In addition to adding rota-specific notes, it's also possible to add date-specific service notes that are shown on all rotas for a service. Service notes can only be added in ChurchSuite.

In the following Service "View" example for "The 10.30 Morning Service" for 5th Dec, a service note has been added to reflect the service theme and bible readings. Click the service note Action button to add/edit the note.

Service notes are shown on each rota for the service - shown in ChurchSuite and My ChurchSuite. Service notes are styled in italics (rota notes are shown unstyled). In this way, your rota members will know the big picture service information and the rota-specific details.

Service notes are shown in rota and service reports, like the Overview report, when Group by 'Service' is selected, and in the rota reminders your rota members can receive.

Adding a service note

Working within the Rotas module, navigate into the Services section of the module and click on a service Name from the list to open the Service View; or select View from the service Actions.

On the Service View, use the Date Picker or Date controls to navigate to the date you wish to add a service note to. Then, select Edit from the Service note Actions to add or edit the service note for that date.

On the Edit pop-up, add or edit the service Note in the box provided. Service notes support multi-line text, clickable URLs and emojis! Click Save.

The newly-added or edited Service note is now shown.

Reporting service notes

The Service Notes report in the Rotas module's Reports section can quickly filter a list of all service notes within a range of dates for one or more services. Click Generate to apply any filter changes made and to see the matching results.

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