Editing and making changes to bookings

Having added bookings and booking sequences, the ongoing task of managing bookings often requires changes to be made - perhaps as more information becomes available or specifics of a booking change. In this article, we explore how to make changes to booking details for stand-alone and sequence bookings and how to make changes to the related booked resources. It's important to remember that the dates and times of booked resources could be different to the booking dates and times - perhaps where setup and setdown time are factored into the booked resources or where elements of a booking have booked resources on different days to the booking itself (e.g. a wedding rehearsal).

In this article

Editing booking details
Editing a booking description
Editing booked resources

Editing booking details

To edit the booking details for either a stand-alone booking or a single date within a booking sequence (we will look at editing multiple dates in a booking sequence later in this article), begin on the booking "View" page and select Edit:

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If the booking is not linked to a Calendar module event you can edit many of the booking details, including the Name, Status, whether the booking shows on the calendar, Site, Customer and booking Type. You can also add/edit type-specific question responses.

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To change the booking Start and End dates and times click Edit to unlock the fields - changes to booking dates and times will impact the dates and times of the booked resources.

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Make booking changes as necessary. Note the option to also Update resources, which will update the booked resource dates and times relative to the booking date/time changes being made. Click Save to complete the process, which will update the booking and the booked resources accordingly.

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Moving on, whilst your usual workflow would likely be to add an event to a booking once a booking has been confirmed - using Add Event as shown below:

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...you can also retrospectively link a previously unlinked booking to a Calendar module event if you discover an event has been created independently of the associated booking. When searching for and selecting the event to link to, the booking name, date and time of the booking will update to match those of the linked event. Take care to select the correct event date to link to, otherwise, you may experience a date mismatch between the linked booking and the dates of the previously booked resources.

Edit the booking and choose Linked to an event.

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Search and select the Event. Note that the booking name, dates and times are derived from the linked event and cannot be changed here. Make any other changes to the booking details as appropriate and Save the changes.

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Date and time mismatches - where the booked resource times are outside of the booking times - are highlighted on the Resources list. You can now Edit and update individual resources using the resource Actions on the right or use the batch Edit Actions to update the times for multiple selected resources.

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Booking sequences

To edit details for multiple dates in a booking sequence, click on the Sequence tab for any date in the sequence and select the relevant bookings from the list to be edited. Note that you can 'select all' using the tick box at the top of the column. From the batch Actions, select Edit.

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On the Edit pop-up, tick the booking details you wish to edit - you can update any or all fields. As you tick a field the field options are shown. The pop-up shows how many bookings will be updated with the selected changes. Click Save to apply the changes to the selected bookings. Note that the Show on calendar setting only applies to unlinked bookings - linked bookings relate to events that always show on your Calendar module's calendar.

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Top Tip! - Watch the pagination 👀

When working with long lists of bookings or sequences, the list is paginated. You can optionally increase the pagination as shown below. When selecting bookings in a list to perform batch actions, choose pagination that allows you to edit the most items in the fewest pages - Batch actions only apply to the page list being viewed, which may mean you have to click on another page to apply batch action changes to those bookings too.

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Editing a booking description

The optional Description field exists independent of the other booking details found on the Add booking and Edit booking pop-ups. After adding a booking or sequence, you can optionally add a Description to a booking from the Details tab (shown below), which adds the description to the booking being viewed. Subsequent changes to a booking's description are also made from the Details tab.

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To add or edit the description for multiple bookings within a sequence, head to the Sequence tab on the booking "View" and select the relevant bookings you wish to update. From the batch Actions drop-down, select Edit.

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On the batch Edit pop-up, tick the Description field and add or edit the description that you wish to apply to all the selected bookings. Click Save to apply the changes, which will overwrite any previously added description for the selected bookings.

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Editing booked resources

As previously explained, it's important to remember that the dates and times of booked resources could be different to the booking dates and times - perhaps where setup and setdown time are factored into the booked resources or where elements of a booking have booked resources on different days to the booking itself (e.g. a wedding rehearsal).

To edit booked resources, head to the booking "view" page. You can Edit or Remove multiple resources from a stand-alone booking or a single instance of a booking within a sequence using the batch Actions provided. Select the required resources from the list and select the appropriate action. Note that editing or removing multiple selected resources in this context will only apply to the booking being viewed - it is not possible to apply bulk changes to other dates in a sequence. Sequence changes to booked resources can only be done on a resource-by-resource basis - see later in this article.

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Selecting Edit opens a pop-up to make bulk changes to the Start and End dates and times for the selected booked resources. The pop-up highlights how many resources will be updated. Click Save to apply the changes, which only update the booking being viewed (not the sequence).

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In the pop-up above, note that it is not possible to update resource question Responses for multiple selected resources as each resource may have different questions. To make changes to the resource question responses, use the resource Edit action shown below.

You can make changes to individual resources using the Edit and Remove actions provided for each resource listed. For sequences, you will have the option to apply the resource changes to the sequence. Sequence changes to booked resources must therefore be done on a resource-by-resource basis.

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On the Edit pop-up, you can update the Start and End date/time for the selected resource, make changes to resource question Responses, and, if required, edit the resource-specific responses. You can apply the changes to just the booking being viewed, or tick the Update sequence option to apply the changes to the other bookings in the sequence.

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Selecting Update sequence surfaces a list of sequence bookings, so you can optionally selectively choose which dates to apply changes to. Any booked resource clashes resulting from the proposed changes will be surfaced. Click Save to apply the changes.

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Similarly, selecting to Remove a resource from a booking provides the option to Remove from sequence, surfacing a list of additional sequence bookings you can also optionally select to remove the resource from.

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