Getting Started with the Attendance module

Introduction to the Attendance Module

The Attendance module is the core repository for maintaining historic attendance data for each of your gatherings. A gathering could be a weekend or midweek service of worship. You can also optionally track the personal attendance of Address Book contacts at your gatherings, but at its simplest level, the module records key attendance metrics. From the data collected, you can produce insightful reports and visualise attendance trends.

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Child attendance

The Children module includes a fantastic Check-in system for recording session attendance for groups for your regular children, visitors and serving team members as they check in and out of their age-based groups. The Children module also supports attendance recording from paper-based group registers. Using the group attendance data automatically collected through the Check-in system and group attendance manually added to the Children module from printed registers, you can produce a wide range of attendance reports for your entire Children and Youth ministry.

While it may be desirable to also maintain child attendance metrics in the Attendance module, there is currently no direct connection between Attendance module metrics and the age-based gatherings and groups in the Children module, i.e., the data cannot be mapped to auto-populate the Attendance module from the attendance data collected in the Children module. However, Attendance module metrics can be manually populated with Children Ministry group attendance totals. Consider whether duplication of attendance data in two modules is necessary and serves a useful purpose.

We encourage you to read this article to familiarise yourself with the module's key features and customisation options, and to acquaint yourself with the concepts and terminology you'll see in the module and other Attendance module support articles.

Attendance module features at a glance

  • Define metrics of interest for each of your gatherings.
  • Collect metric data in number and currency values.
  • Avoid distorted reporting trends by recording when a gathering didn't meet.
  • Record non-attendance-related metrics of interest and exclude them from attendance totals.
  • Enable people tracking for a gathering to maintain the register of attendees for each date the gathering meets.
  • Visualise trends and changes in attendance data over time.
  • Add pertinent notes against an attendance record for a date.
  • Produce powerful graphs and reports to summarise and visualise your data.
  • See quick attendance insights on your user Dashboard and on the Engagement tab of people's profiles.

Next Steps

Review the module settings
Add Gatherings, Metricsets and Metrics: see Adding and managing gatherings for attendance
Begin adding some attendance data: see Adding service attendance data for gatherings


The building blocks for collecting data in this module are Gatherings, Metricsets, and Metrics:

  • Gatherings are the headings under which attendance for each date is grouped, totalled and reportable. You'll typically add a gathering for each occasion where people gather in person or online for a service or event and for which you want to maintain a record of attendance for each date the gathering meets for reporting purposes. Multi-site users will add site-specific gatherings for each distinct site/location. When 'people tracking' is enabled, you can also maintain a register of attendees for each date the gathering meets.
  • For each gathering, you'll define the Metrics of interest, e.g., "Adults" and "Visitor Cards", and choose whether a metric should be included or excluded from the total for each date. In this way, you can collect metric data for a gathering that doesn't relate to the attendance total for a date. For example, you could count cars in the car park or visitor connection cards and exclude those metric values from the attendance 'total' for the gathering on each date. All metrics are reportable, even if excluded from the attendance total for a gathering.
  • Metrics are grouped into Metricsets. A gathering can comprise one or more metricsets. In the following example - the setup for a 'hybrid' gathering - there are three metricsets to record the in-person and online elements of the gathering.
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