Scheduling SMS messages (and cancelling them)

Scheduling SMS messages, rather than sending them immediately, has distinct advantages, not least because you can set your communications to deliver at a time when they might have a greater chance of being read. It's also helpful when you need to set up some communications ahead of time, e.g. before going on leave.


The option to schedule an SMS is only available to customers using the Textlocal or BulkSMS integration - Twilio does not support scheduled SMS messages.

Scheduling SMS messages

When working in the SMS composer pop-up, notice the Schedule SMS option in the bottom-right corner.

Use the Date Picker and Time Picker tools to select the sending date and time or type a future date and time.

Click to Preview SMS in the usual way, select the Recipients and click Schedule SMS to submit the message to the scheduled SMS queue.

Cancelling a scheduled SMS message

Unlike emails, scheduled SMS messages are processed by the SMS service provider, Textlocal or BulkSMS. Therefore, cancelling a scheduled SMS message can only be done from within your Textlocal or BulkSMS account control panel.

In this article, we explore how to cancel a scheduled SMS with Textlocal; however, the same principle applies to BulkSMS. We recommend you consult with BulkSMS online support articles for further guidance.

To cancel a scheduled SMS, log into your Textlocal account control panel via their website. From the TextLocal control panel, locate the Reports menu and select Scheduled Messages.

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Note that each SMS is queued individually, so if you have sent an SMS to 20 contacts, you will see 20 scheduled SMS messages listed. To cancel messages, tick the checkbox on the left-hand side.

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You can now Delete (or Reschedule)

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It is not possible to edit a scheduled SMS once it has been submitted from ChurchSuite; it can only be rescheduled or deleted. It's also not possible to record in your ChurchSuite Communication logs that an SMS was cancelled outside of ChurchSuite.

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