Personalised email signatures
In this article
Personalise your signature
Personalise the signature of other users
Personalise the signature of a user group
To personalise your user signature...
Navigate to your user profile - choose My profile on the User menu. Click the pencil icon to Edit Signature.
On the Edit Signature pop-up, use the HTML Editor tools to add and style your signature. You can embed images and links, perhaps links to your organisation's website and social media pages. Click Save.
Now, when composing an email, the signature is inserted into the body content.
Email signatures add a professional touch to Plain template emails, however, you may prefer to use the Branded Header or Branded Slimline Templates provided - select from the Template drop-down list. Branded emails are styled with your organisation logo, emblem and style colour which are set in the Profile section of your Account Settings.
To personalise the signature of other users...
An Administrator can add and manage the email signatures of all other users. Navigate to the Users section within your Account Settings.
For each user in turn, select View from the user Actions and then follow the instructions in the previous section of this article to Edit the Signature of that user, perhaps copying and pasting between users and adding the user-specific detail.
To personalise the signature of a user group...
An Administrator can add and manage the email signature for a User Group. When a user sends an email "From" the user group email address, the user group signature is inserted into the message. See the related support article for further information on how to Send emails from a shared email address.
Navigate to the Groups section within your Account Settings.
For each user group, in turn, select Edit from the user group Actions:
On the Edit pop-up, add or edit the Signature - perhaps copying and pasting between user groups and adding the user-group-specific detail. Note also the option to customise the user group From Name and From Email address.