Getting started with the Bookings module
Introduction to the Booking Module
Welcome to the Bookings module! This module enables you to handle all your resource bookings, from adding bookings and managing customers to sending booking confirmations, maintaining a list of prices, raising booking charges and collecting payments.
We encourage you to read this article in full to familiarise yourself with the module's key features and customisation options and to acquaint yourself with some of the basic concepts and terminology you'll see within the module and our other Bookings module support articles.
Bookings module features at a glance
- Add or import customers
- Add your booking types: e.g. life events - like weddings, funerals, baptisms - and all your other internal and external bookings, each with custom questions for collecting the customer's related booking responses
- Add your resources and categorise them: e.g. rooms, equipment, key people and vehicles; each with custom questions for collecting related customer booking responses
- Easily manage resources that have a limited or unlimited quantity e.g. tables and chairs, with clash detection to alert if the available quantity is exceeded
- Optionally assign overseers to a booking type and resources - overseers can be notified when bookings are added, edited or deleted, and receive a weekly digest email of all their upcoming bookings
- Add single-date and multi-date sequence bookings
- View resource bookings in a Day/7-day/28-day-to-view Planner, with granular type/resource filters
- Manage booking management to-dos with checklists to ensure everything required happens before and after the booking
- Manage internal-use resource bookings by linking to Calendar module events and manage external-use unlinked resource bookings
- Factor in set up and set down time to the resource booking times
- Built-in clash detection with clash approval option for permitted users
- Manage the status of each of your resource bookings - from 'pending' to 'confirmed' or 'cancelled'
- Maintain details of all your booking and resource-related prices - prices can be fixed, per hour and per day
- Raise booking charges, assign a due date and collect payments online
- Send bookings to customers by email, enclosing a link to their customer-facing booking page confirming all the booking details and charges
- Manage customer admin processes using Flows and receive reminders when tasks become due and overdue
- Subscribe to a range of booking iCal/Google Calendar feeds to see resource bookings in your preferred personal calendar app
Next Steps
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Here's a list of terms you may see across the ChurchSuite modules and in our support articles:
- Bookings are entries in the Booking module. They hold the information about the date, time, description, type and customer relating to the booking.
- Planner is how we refer to the view detailing when your resources are booked, and is the first page you see when clicking into the Bookings module.
- Booking Types are a way to categorise your bookings. Booking types can have questions associated with them so that you get the correct details for the type of thing that's being booked.
- Charges can be added to bookings and booking sequences to determine the cost of the booking.
- Customers are people associated with a booking - usually the person requesting the booking. A customer can be linked to an Address Book contact or can be someone who isn't in the Address Book.
- Prices are pre-determined costs associated with specific resources or booking types.
- Resources are the things (rooms, equipment, vehicles, people) that can be booked. Resources can have questions associated with them so that you get the correct details for the thing that's being booked.
Got a question?
You’ll find the answers to most questions in our support articles - they're all available through the Support menu located in the top-right corner of each page in ChurchSuite. Select Get help and search by topic, phrase or keyword. You can also access the Support Article library on our website. And if you still can't find something you're looking for, click to contact one of the ChurchSuite team - we’re happy to help!